Volume 1, Issue 6

Partner Spotlight: P.A. Smith Hotel
If you are planning an overnight at TRF this year, or if you are just looking for a fun get-away, the P.A. Smith Hotel in Navasota (just 20 minutes Northwest of TRF) comes highly recommended by the TRF staff.
After years of renovation, the hotel is a feast for the eyes. Beautifully designed; elegant but cozy at the same time; and amazingly well-appointed rooms-this hotel is well worth the hop out to Navasota.
A great highlight is the speakeasy on the second floor. We don't want to spoil it for you, but you'll have fun finding it - in true speakeasy fashion. Once inside, big leather seats and couches, cocktail tables, fun board games tucked away in cubbies for you to find, and one super neato bar. The speakeasy alone is cause to check out the hotel, whether you are staying there or not.
And if that wasn't enough, the hotel owners own the restaurant next door. Considered the hotel restaurant, The Red Board Tavern & Table is a tasty little treat. We can't speak for the entire menu, but the Braised Lamb Shank, New York Strip, and Chicken Fried Saddle of Rabbit & Haunch were all outstanding. And, if you are adventurous eater, don't miss out on the Triple Play Deviled Eggs - amazingly delicious.
Very high marks for this fantastic gem of Navasota. Don't forget to grab a coffee drink from their lobby barista when you leave in the morning.

Want Some Extra Cash Around the Holidays This Year? Get a Job Here at TRF.
Work one of the many seasonal 8-weekend jobs available at TRF.
There are two categories of jobs currently available at TRF - work for our vendors and merchants ( in their booths) or positions with the festival itself. Both job types are available for the 8-weekends of the festival, during October and November.
Merchants & Vendors Job Faire: If you are looking for a seasonal job at TRF, come to the Annual Job Faire, Saturday, September 9th beginning promptly at 10 a.m. at the festival grounds. Merchants and Vendors will be looking to fill over 400 open positions for the 2023 season. Vendors and merchants will be on-site to meet prospective employees to fill positions ranging from retail sales to food prep in a kitchen and everything in between.
Merchant, Vendors and TRF Job Listings: In addition, we will be updating our Job Listings pages on the TRF website frequently in the coming months. Revisit these pages weekly to view newly posted jobs.

Looking for Something Incredible to Wear to TRF? Make Your Own Armored Suit!
Learn How to Make Your Own Armored Suit. Get Materials and Free Online Lessons from Prince Armory.
When wandering the cobblestone paths of New Market Village, it is most important to arrive cloaked in the finest of armor! You can find your perfect fit at none other than Prince Armory. It is a Houston-based design and fabrication studio that specializes in custom leather armor and premium cosplay gear that has been featured in TV shows, films, and even Broadway!
Prince Armory also offers The Prince Armory Academy, an immersive online academy that empowers you to craft awe-inspiring suits of armor and master the art of leatherworking and other crafts—perfect for those who want a more hands-on experience with their gear for this year's Ren Fest. With their extensive tutorials and digital patterns, you will learn both ancient and state-of-the-art leathercrafting techniques. Prince Armory Academy provides online lessons for beginners and seasoned artisans alike, so get ready to take your crafting abilities to the next level! Featuring a vast library of videos, tutorials, lessons, and courses, the Prince Armory Academy offers wonderful knowledge for you to craft your very own suit of armor from start to finish. You can also find several DIY armor kits that take out all the frustration felt by beginner leather-armorers and add all the joy of customizing it to your exact desires!

Fun Things At Texas Renaissance Festival
Rides, Games, and Activities for the Ages!
Lift up thy cares when travelling our merry lanes and cobblestone streets. For adventure and romance lies around every corner. Every passing moment offers countless opportunity for joy beyond measure. You can find it through our delectable selections of foods from around the world, entertainers galore, shows that will delight the senses, and of course, a vast collection of rides, games, and activities that will surely bring a smile to your face.
Experience a wonderful rush of adrenaline on any of our hand-powered rides (the fan favorite being King's Swings). Test your mettle in our games that challenge brain or brawn: Test of Strength, The Amazing Maze, or Throwing and Archery Games.
If you'd like to bring home a wonderful souvenir from your time at Texas Renaissance Festival, stop by the Young Apprentice Shoppe for arts & crafts, or another fan favorite, Your Hand in Wax!
Maybe you have a fascination with the macabre, if so, venture forth to the Museum of Cruelty or Slayer's Castle 3-D House & Torture Museum, for a taste of delightfully spooky history!
Whatever your pleasure, your family at the Texas Renaissance Festival is most excited to share with you the excitement of the 16th century. So, what are you waiting for? Jog your merry way down, weekends October 7th--November 26th.
Your Adventure Awaits!

Sponsor Spotlight: Margaritaville Lake Resort: Lake Conroe
Margaritaville Lake Resort: Gold Sponsor of TRF
The King extends a grand Thank You to our Gold Level Sponsor, Margaritaville Lake Resort: Lake Conroe. May you find boundless honor within the Kingdom!
Put on your flip flops, plan your escape, and set your coordinates to fun and relaxation — Margaritaville Lake Resort, Lake Conroe. This waterfront paradise will transport you straight to the tropics, with 303 luxury suites, 32 waterfront cottages, and a tempting array of amenities. Whether you're seeking a romantic retreat, a fun-filled family getaway, or an all-inclusive group destination, we've got you covered. Explore our accommodations, amenities, and exclusive offers, and get a taste of the island attitude.

Camp in Style and Comfort
Whether Coming to TRF or Camping Elsewhere in Texas,
Rent Your RV or Camper at Camp EZ in Conroe
Camp EZ provides a wide
range of RV and camper rentals:
- Travel
Trailers - Trailers for all types of towing vehicles, including SUVs
and pickups.
- Fifth-Wheels
- Larger trailers that attach to towing vehicles with a gooseneck
extension in the truck bed.
- Toy
Haulers - Living quarters in the front with dedicated space for
hauling motorcycles or other "toys" in the back.
- Class
C - Popular with small families and first-time RV drivers who want a
little more room than a van. Comparable to driving a truck.
- Class
A - Drivers should be comfortable driving bus-sized vehicles and
dealing with parking limitations. Great for delivery.
Call Camp EZ today at (866) 4.CAMPEZ.

The Renaissance Era: Crazy and Curious
Eels could sometimes be used as currency.
Over 540, 000 eels were being used as currency every year by the end of the 11th century. This was due to eels being able to last for months as a food source.
Animals could be tried for crimes
Between the 12th and 18th centuries, animals could be charged for crimes. They would be put on trial and even assigned their own lawyers. There are records of pigs, cows, rats, dogs, and even insects being put on trial. This practice was eventually abandoned, however, because animals were eventually found not to have moral agency and thus not responsible for their actions.
Shoes with long toes were the height of fashion in the 13th and 14th century!
Some of the pointed tips extended up to five inches beyond the toes!
Football was banned in England on multiple occasions.
For a time, archery was a required practice in England, since the King was always in need of a supply of strong archers. This resulted in the King banning football through England because it was seen as an "unhealthy" and "degenerate" pasttime that distracted frome one's duties.

Renaissance Word of the Day!
Toll paid for passage through a forest.

TRF In The Community
Serving with Galveston County Food Bank and Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center
In the months leading up to our favorite time of the year, the King and his royal court make it their priority to give back to the community. We are most proud to share that in the month of August, we were bestowed the opportunity to participate in a food drive hosted by the Galveston County Food Bank and a blood drive by our friends at Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center.
On August 11th, the King and friends ventured forth to Galveston where they promoted a food drive for the Galveston County Food Bank. They began their journey at the food bank, where they met with all the wonderful folks who work there, and learned about the processes it takes to keep the community fed. After that, they arrived at Saengerfest Park in the Strand where they were able to meet with all the residents of Galveston Island. To cool off from the heat, the King then made his way to Schlitterbahn Galveston where he took photos and taught children the proper way to swordfight (with foam swords, of course!). At the end of the day, to celebrate a successful end to the food drive, the King met with his dear friends at Haak Wines. Delicious renaissance-themed wines were sipped, foods dined upon, and merriment abounded galore! Most of all, we would like to honor Haak Wines and all the heroes who donated food and funds that night, because of you, over 900 pounds of food was provided to the community!
On August 19th, we were most honored to host our friends at the Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center. We invited our whole community and loyal fans to join us in donating blood to those who need it most. Not only did the blood drive have wonderful attendance, but donation appointments were also quickly booked in full before the end of the daynal Blood Center.
We are so very proud to have such honorable fans who so willingly took the time to save lives! Huzzah!

Congrats To Last Month's Winners
Last Month, We Raffled 2 Free Any Day Tickets + Free 1-Night Stay at
Springhill Suites Houston Northwest (Vintage)
The winners was Matt Hoadley. A mighty congratulations to them!
Their ticket vouchers were emailed to them, and we hope they enjoy their stay
at the Texas Renaissance Festival!