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Frequently Asked Questions

Common Questions

Allergies and Air Quality

Please understand this is a high traffic, 55-acre open air theme park enjoyed by over 450,000 people during our season; Allergy contaminants are most certainly present in all areas of the venue.

Are there any additional costs besides the entry fee?

All stage shows and other entertainment are included with admission. Games, rides, food, and beverages will incur additional charges.

Can I rent a costume?

No, we will not be able to rent out costumes this season.

Can we bring pets?

No. Pets are not permitted on the festival grounds or campgrounds; however, service animals are not considered pets by the federal government and are welcome at The Texas Renaissance Festival.

Under the American Disabilities Act (ADA), a service animal is defined as a dog that has been individually trained to do work or perform tasks for an individual with a disability. The task(s) performed by the dog must be directly related to the person's disability.

ADA is also clear that emotional support, therapy, comfort, or companion animals not considered service animals and are not permitted in the festival and campground.

Though we prefer that Service Dogs have proper identification (vest, documentation, etc.) when you bring them into the festival or campground gates, this is not required.

Please be prepared to answer two questions upon entry:

(1) Is the dog a service animal required because of a disability?

(2) What work or task has the dog been trained to perform?

Note, our staff is not permitted to request any documentation for the dog, require that the dog demonstrate its task, or inquire about the nature of a person's disability.

Our staff understands that service animals may be excluded and you may be asked to leave the premises if the service animal is disruptive, the handler is unable to take effective control of the service animal, the service animal is not housebroken and grounds not maintained, or causes the animals at our event to behave aggressively or become agitated.

We want all our guests to have a safe and enjoyable experience at the festival and campground.

For more information and guidance from the Department of Justice and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) regarding your and business entity rights with respect to service animals please visit

Can we leave the park without paying to re-enter?

Yes. Please have your hand stamped at the exit gate when you leave. When you re-enter the Park, show your stamped hand to the Beefeaters for re-entry. The front gates close at approximately 7 PM and you cannot re-enter after that time.

What is your dress policy?

Texas Renaissance Dress Policy: Proper attire is required when attending the Texas Renaissance Festival for the duration of your visit. While we encourage creativity and permit costumes from all eras and fantasy realms, we must maintain an environment suitable for guests of all ages. Shoes are required. Clothing that is depicting rude, vulgar, and offensive language or images is not permitted. Clothing in multiple layers is subject to search. We reserve the right to deny admission to or remove any person wearing attire that is considered inappropriate or attire that could distract from the experience of other guests. Patrons in violation of our dress code will be asked to leave and escorted from the festival grounds.

Do you issue rain checks?

No rain checks are given. We are open rain or shine, and all acts will be performed as scheduled unless conditions threaten the safety of the participants. Official Texas Renaissance Festival ponchos are sold on rainy days throughout the park for $5.

If I wear a costume can I get in free?

While we love for our guests to come in costume and join in the fun, there is no discount given to those dressed in costume.

What are the themed weekend dates?

You can find all the details on our eight themed weekends by clicking here.

What is the weapons policy?

Pursuant to Section 30.06, Penal Code (trespass by license holder with a concealed handgun), a person licensed under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code (handgun licensing law), may not enter the Texas Renaissance Festival property with a concealed handgun.

Pursuant to Section 30.07, Penal Code (trespass by license holder with an openly carried handgun), a person licensed under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code (handgun licensing law), may not enter Texas Renaissance Festival property with a handgun that is openly carried.

The Texas Renaissance Festival is classified as an amusement park. Texas State PENAL CODE, TITLE 10. OFFENSES AGAINST PUBLIC HEALTH, SAFETY, AND MORALS CHAPTER 46. WEAPONS, Sec. 46.03. PLACES WEAPONS PROHIBITED,(a) A person commits an offense if the person intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly possesses or goes with a firearm, location-restricted knife, club, or prohibited weapon listed in Section 46.05 (a):(13) in an amusement park; states that you are not allowed to Constitutional carry in an amusement park.

Any swords, rapiers, edged or pointed, etc. that are worn as a part of your costume MUST BE SHEATHED AND PEACE TIED. You can secure them with leather straps or zip ties. No unsecured weapons will be allowed into the Festival site.

Who do I contact for misplaced online ticket order?

Customer Support Team at 1-800-514-3849.

Customer Support Hours:
Monday-Saturday: 9 am to 8 pm EST
Sunday: Noon to 8 pm EST

Am I allowed to conceal or open carry while on festival grounds?

No, conceal and open carry are not permitted on festival grounds. Failure to adhere to our 30.05 and 30.06 polices will result in disciplinary action by festival security.

Pursuant to Section 30.06, Penal Code (trespass by license holder with a concealed handgun), a person licensed under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code (handgun licensing law), may not enter the Texas Renaissance Festival property with a concealed handgun.

Pursuant to Section 30.07, Penal Code (trespass by license holder with an openly carried handgun), a person licensed under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code (handgun licensing law), may not enter Texas Renaissance Festival property with a handgun that is openly carried.

The Texas Renaissance Festival is classified as an amusement park. Texas State PENAL CODE, TITLE 10. OFFENSES AGAINST PUBLIC HEALTH, SAFETY, AND MORALS CHAPTER 46. WEAPONS, Sec. 46.03. PLACES WEAPONS PROHIBITED,(a) A person commits an offense if the person intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly possesses or goes with a firearm, location-restricted knife, club, or prohibited weapon listed in Section 46.05 (a):(13) in an amusement park; states that you are not allowed to Constitutional carry in an amusement park.

If you are an off-duty police officer, you may check-in your weapon with the police officers at the front gates.

Dates and Hours

What are the dates of the Texas Renaissance Festival?

The Texas Renaissance Festival is open Saturdays, Sundays and Thanksgiving Friday - October 12, 2024 - December 1, 2024.

What are the hours of the Texas Renaissance Festival?

We open each Festival day with the sounding of the village cannon at 9 am and close each evening at 8 pm with the Royal Fireworks.

Festival gates close at 7 p.m. There is no re-admittance to the festival after 7 p.m. each festival day.


Allergies and Air Quality

Please understand this is a high traffic, 55-acre open air theme park enjoyed by over 450,000 people during our season; Allergy contaminants are most certainly present in all areas of the venue.

Can we bring in food & drinks? How about for our infant/small child?

Outside food and drinks are not allowed inside the festival gates; however you may bring in food for infants and toddlers. You may bring in one unopened bottle of water per guest.

For individuals and families dealing with food allergies, you may bring food items inside the festival gates. IMPORTANT: You must be able to verify the allergies with a note from your physician; medical back up goes a long way to help you get what you need. In addition, the festival has a standing policy allowing exit and re-entry. Don't forget to get your hand stamped as you exit.

How much money should I bring to spend on food for the day?

Food prices range from as low as $2 to sometimes $25 and above. BUT DO NOTE - food is often "jumbo sized" and/or meant for mulitple people to enjoy. For instance, turkey legs are often $18+ but have enough meat on the bone for 2-3 people to become satisfyingly full. Drinks start around $3-$5, but of course adult beverages are considerably higher. All food vendors accept most major credit cards and ATM machines are located at many convenient locations within the village.

What types of food can I find at the festival?

The Texas Renaissance Festival offers some of the most varied and unique food offerings to be found anywhere. Of course we have turkey legs and things on a stick, but there are also foods from many lands and cultures, including Greek, German, Spanish, French/Cajun, Polish, Asian, Italian, and traditional English, as well as pub food, hamburgers, and just about anything else your taste and budget might desire.


I’ve heard traffic to the festival can be difficult. How can I avoid waiting in long lines?

It is true that traffic in and out of the Festival can be extremely heavy at times. Here are a few tips to help avoid long lines and congestion:

  • Leave early and stay late! The festival opens its gates at 9 am. The heaviest traffic coming to the festival occurs between the hours of 11 am and 2 pm. Similarly, the Festival closes at 8 pm with the heaviest exit traffic occurring between 6 and 8 pm. Why not plan on making it a long, leisurely stay at the adjacent Fields of New Market Campground?
  • Come from the north. There are many ways to get to the festival. Traffic is heaviest along FM 1774 between Tomball and Magnolia, and again on FM 1774 between Magnolia and the Festival. To avoid this congestion, try coming from the north side of the Festival on FM 1774 from Plantersville. There are two ways to get to the Festival from this direction.
    1. Take I-45 north to Conroe, Texas and exit onto HWY 105 West. Go approximately 25 miles on HWY 105 to Plantersville and turn left onto FM 1774. The Festival is only 6 miles south on FM 1774.
    2. Take HWY 290 east to HWY 6 in Hempstead, then go north on HWY 6 to Hwy 105 in Navasota. Take Hwy 105 east approximately 15 miles to Plantersville. In Plantersville, turn right onto FM 1774 and go south for 6 miles to the Festival entrance.
  • Ignore the apps! Many directional apps and GPS systems will suggest alternate routes to avoid heavy traffic coming to the Festival. These routes may take you through residential areas or private roads that are closed to festival traffic. If you take these alternate routes, you may find yourself forced to turn back and go the back to the main route, costing you even more time. Please follow the directional signs and routes indicated by law enforcement and traffic control.

Where is the Texas Renaissance Festival located?

The Festival is located at 21778 FM 1774, Todd Mission, Texas, 77363, approximately 50 miles northwest of downtown Houston, Texas.


How much does entertainment cost?

Almost all of the entertainment at the Festival is included with your admission. Of course, our entertainers will always appreciate a small tip if you really enjoyed their act.

Is the entertainment family friendly?

The festival offers various kinds entertainment, some is suitable for all ages and tastes while other acts are aimed at more mature audiences. Acts that are appropriate for adults will usually have some signage and will warn the audience at the beginning of their act. You can find a list of family friendly entertainment on our For Kids page.

What kind of entertainment is available?

The Texas Renaissance Festival offers over 20 stages of live entertainment of all kinds including clowns, jugglers, musicians, magicians, dancers, acrobats, comedians, and jousters.

A complete interactive entertainment schedule can be found on our website here.

What time is the Grande Marche Parade and where does it begin?

Every Festival day at noon, all the residents of New Market Village gather at the Globe Stage for the Grand Marche Parade. From there they parade through the village to greet all of the guests of the King and Queen.

Groups and Special Admission Discounts

Are there any discounts for groups?

Group Discount Tickets are available to groups of 15 or more adults. Not available at the gate. For more information, email or call our office at 800-458-3435.

Do you offer a discount for senior citizens, military, law enforcement, first responders or students??

No, we currently do not offer any of these discounts.

Guest Services

Is the Texas Renaissance Festival ADA Compliant?

Texas Renaissance Festival was founded on the idea for all to come and escape to world of magic, fantasy, and fun. Today, Texas Renaissance Festival is committed to these founding ideas and strives to be open, accessible, and accommodating to all who wish to enter the Kingdom. Texas Renaissance Festival will do anything to be sure that anyone requiring assistance gets it and will try everything possible to ensure that they are afforded the same experience as everyone else.

For Texas Renaissance Festival's ADA policy, please click here.

Can I rent a costume?

No, we will not be able to rent out costumes this season.

Are there indoor shops or shelters in case it rains?

Some of the shoppes are covered, although as a rule they aren't very large. The sidewalks are covered in many areas, and stage seating areas are covered to some extent.

Can we bring our own wheelchairs/wagons/strollers?

Although we do have these items for rent, you can also bring your own. The grounds are very hard packed and you should have no problems maneuvering.

Do you rent motorized scooters, wheelchairs, strollers, or wagons?

We offer electric scooters for adults, as well as covered and uncovered wagons to pull your child and other treasures. Strollers and wheelchairs also available in limited quantities. Available outside Front Gate booth 165 or reserve ahead by calling Dragon Wagons Festival Scooters at 817-808-6249 or emailing

What do I do if I lose my child or group?

Any child who is separated from their parent or guardian will be presented to a security officer and escorted to the Information Booth, located just inside the front entrance. Security will remain with the child until the parents are located. If you find a child who has been separated from their group please take them to the nearest TRF staff member or shoppe owner for assistance.

Tips to prevent unplanned separation

  • Make sure everyone in your group has contact phone numbers.
  • If you have young children we highly recommend giving the child something with your contact information on it JUST IN CASE they get separated from the group. This can be anything from a sticker with your contact number to a small card they have in their pocket.
  • Have your group pre-plan meet up times and locations if you plan to split up.

What do I do if I lose my keys, phone, camera, or any other item?

The Festival lost and found is located in the Information Booth just inside the front gate. After a Festival weekend, all items in the lost and found are taken to the main office. The office will accept calls about lost and found items Tuesday - Friday from 8 am-5 pm at 800-458-3435. You can also email Please be able to tell the staff a description of the item and what weekend it was lost.

What do I do in case of a medical emergency while at the festival?

A fully staffed medical services team is available during Festival hours. We have two staffed First Aid stations within the Festival grounds. The first is located behind the Dragonslayer Gift Shoppe near the front gates. The second is located next to the Falconer's Heath stage, where the Birds of Prey show is held. For major emergencies, please send someone to the nearest food merchant and request medical assistance. Each food merchant has a radio which connects them to emergency personnel. Please try to relay as much information about the situation as possible.

Do you have a place for nursing or breastfeeding inside the festival?

We do not have a dedicated nursing/pumping area. While not every shop will do so, I know a lot of the shops will allows breast feeding individuals to use their shops to feed or pump.

You will be able to bring in your small cooler or small cooler bag with you to store your milk. When entering, if questioned, just let the Beefeaters in the front know what the cooler is for and they will allow it in.


How much is parking?

General Parking is free of charge.

Valet Parking

$40 online/gate

We stop offering Valet Parking at 4 p.m. or when capacity is reached. You can pick up your vehicle as late as the festival stays open.

Preferred Parking

$25 online/gate

First 9-10 rows- Open until 4 p.m. or when capacity is reached. If you arrive after 4pm, you can only park in general parking.

Handicap accessible parking is located near the front gate and is free.

There are also designated parking areas for buses, motor homes and motorcycles.
TRF traffic officers will be happy to direct you to the appropriate area.

There is no overnight parking at the festival.


Are there indoor shops or shelters in case it rains?

Some of the shoppes are covered, although as a rule they aren't very large. The sidewalks are covered in many areas, and stage seating areas are covered to some extent.

Do the vendors accept credit cards and/or checks?

Most merchants and vendors accept credit cards. ATMs can be found throughout the village. Personal checks are not accepted.

What type of shops will I find at the Texas Renaissance Festival?

The Texas Renaissance Festival offers over 400 shoppes featuring the works of master craftspeople, artists, artisans, jewelers, potters, weavers, blacksmiths, leather smiths, and clothiers, as well as merchants offering unique items from around the world. There are items to suit every taste and budget.

Weapons Policy


These arms are described as weapons relevant to the period portrayed while in costume. Such arms may

include, but are not limited to: swords, daggers, maces, bows and arrows, and pikes. All arms must be secured

or "peace tied" to the guest at all times in a holster protecting the blade and may not be removed from the

holster. Any exposed blade or point must be of stage combat grade and must not pose a risk of injury to the

guest or others. Arrows being carried as costume adornment must be "peace tied" together and have the

arrow tips removed. Plastic, foam, and wood toy weapons are allowed without sheaths or peace bonded, but

may not be wielded in a way that they might accidentally strike another guest or employee. Security personnel are

available at the front gate area to assist guests with the securing of weapons. Any person in possession of a weapon

that is determined to be unsafe or unable to be made safe will be requested to secure it in their vehicle or remove it from the Shire


Similar to period arms, many guests desire to use replica and black powder guns as adornment to their

costumes while on Shire. In addition to complying with the other provisions set forth above, black powder

guns must not be in an operable state. The following are requirements of compliance:

• The gun must be peace tied and not removed from its holster or belt while on the Shire. If the gun cannot be tied in a

manner to prevent it from being drawn, it must be returned to the guest's vehicle and cannot be brought onto the Faire


• The gun must not be capable of propelling any projectile, and;

• The gun must not have any percussion caps or flint stones, and;

• The gun must have the powder pan or the barrel plugged, and;

• The guest must not be in possession of any projectiles, black powder or any other removed parts while on the Shire

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