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Lost and Found

Lost and Found


All Lost and Found for the festival is turned into the Texas Renaissance Festival Main Office on Monday morning. All Lost and Found is cataloged by close of business Tuesday afternoon. Please email on Monday or Tuesday at for any lost items. Accurate descriptions or pictures go a long way to reuniting you with your property. If your email has not be responded to by Wednesday morning, please call 281-356-2178. We do our best to respond promptly to all emails and phone calls.

The Texas Renaissance Festival Lost and Found has a singular mission, reuniting our patrons with their misplaced property. In 2024, we received over 950 emails and over 300 phone calls in an 8-week period. Please be patient with the response process. We have hundreds of items turned in each weekend to Lost and Found and it takes a little time to get it all cataloged. Our goal is to reunite every item with its owner.

If you're still at the festival when you've lost your item, check in with the Information Booth by the Festival Front Entrance.

If you're missing a personal item after your visit, please reach out to us by email ( or by phone (281-356-2178) to see if your property has been turned in to lost and found. We look forward to reuniting you with your items. Please include a description of the item, what day you attended the festival, and your contact information in any emails.

If you've found an item while wandering through the festival grounds, please turn it in to the Information Booth by the Festival Front Entrance.

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