Enjoy a Fine Cigar
The Smoking Crow
Do ye wish to channel yer inner Gandalf? Venture forth to Booth 271 where you may peruse some of Texas Renaissance Festival's finest selection of tobacco pipes, cigars, and smoking accessories for any distinguished individual. Among their high quality wares, you will find a handcrafted selection of pipes inspired by the legendary craftsmanship of the Lord of the Rings films, along with a variety of modern selections from world-class pipe makers such as Savinelli. They offer a fine variety of pipe tobaccos as well, from fragrant aromatics to spicy English blends, and smooth Virginias that blend perfectly with a cool drink—you shall most certainly find something for your exceptional tastes.
Located just across ye old cobblestone path from Ravenswood Leather, we implore you! Stop by and browse the finest tobacco products in the entire kingdom!
Live Dangerously. Smoke the Crow.