A week ago today a fire broke out at the Texas Renaissance Festival destroying three shoppes between the Tower Stage and the Polish Pub area.
Booths that were lost were #63 Daedalus Consortium and Trading Company, #64 Bittersweet Armory and #65 Glass Images. Two of the shops were open for business this season.
#66 New Wine Skins Leather had structural damage, but they were able to save their product and closed for weekend two to clean and repair. They plan on re-opening for the this weekend - Oct. 17 - 18. #62 Artsmyths was not open for the season and had some damage to the building.
In a year where closures of festivals and events due to the pandemic have been hard on vendors, the fire was a devastating blow to vendors who were depending on this year's festival to make some income.
In addition to the reopening of New Wineskins Leather this weekend, Daedalus Consortium and Trading Company will be open for sales at a new location, 314B for the remainder of the season.
To help with finances, several GoFundMe campaigns have been started for each of the vendors who lost their shoppes.
Bittersweet Armory - https://gf.me/u/y4bsvx
Daedalus Consortium and Trading Company - https://gf.me/u/y4bd4n
Glass Images - https://gf.me/u/y4bnsn
We are also posting QR codes linked to the GoFundMe campaigns on the fence where the shops once stood.
If you do not feel comfortable donating online but would like to help out, please write your check to the shop you are sending your donation in support. You may send it o Jennifer Pierce, Vendor Manager c/o Texas Renaissance Festival, 21778 FM 1774, Todd Mission, TX 77363.
The Renaissance Festival circuit is a community that supports each other, and right now some of our vendors could use a little help from friends. Please help if you can.