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Texas Renaissance Festival Water is Safe

October 09, 2022

#Experiences and Stories


Texas Renaissance Festival Water is Safe According to the

Texas Department of State Health Services Region 7

Todd Mission, TX (October 9, 2022) - The water at the Texas Renaissance Festival was declared safe by the Texas Department of State Health Services, Region 7.

"After reviewing the water samples provided last night and consulting with my colleagues at DSHS, we have determined that the water from the wells provided in the samples taken on 10/06/2022 is considered an approved source and no longer needs to be boiled prior to use" says DJ Jirasek, Program Manager for the Texas Department of State Health Services, Region 7. "We appreciate your prompt efforts to resolve this issue and please feel free to reach out with any additional questions or concerns that you may have."

At no point during the Festival's opening weekend was anybody in any harm due to the water quality. Out of an abundance of caution, prior to receiving the late test results, food merchants were asked to boil water before consumption, of which all merchants were prepared to do. After the favorable test results, operations returned to normal, prior to the opening of the festival, for the duration of the weekend.

About Texas Renaissance Festival

The Texas Renaissance Festival is the nation's largest and most acclaimed Renaissance themed event. Established in 1974, the event attracts over half a million visitors each year to its 55-acre New Market Village and Fields of New Market Campgrounds in Todd Mission, Texas. This immersive experience features world renowned live entertainment works by master artists and craftspeople, award winning food and drink, hand-powered rides, and games, and over 100 interactive characters during its eight themed weekends from October 8 through November 27, 2022.

Media Contact

Carl Foy, Marketing Director

Office: 800-458-3435

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